
how's this

Dear World ,
Living in your turf is finding itself to be difficult. No one said it would be easy they just promised it would be worth it. I'm not going to let you get the best of though believe that, all these obstacles youre throwing my way keep em coming because I wont stop beating them. I am going for what I deserve in this life and I will be kicking and screaming until I get it. Allot of people are throwing in the towel on you world, saying fuck you and all that jazz. I'm not and I thought you'd like to know. YOU will not get the best of me, yes you've came rather close I didn't give in. Hmm I'll never give you that satisfaction.
- signed ,
somebody with dreams.
I know this sound odd, like wtf is chelsea talking about writing a letter to the world? Welcome to the mind of M-E . I classify the world as everyone all those people who give out those negative vibes, the haters, the people that wont be happy until you've reached bottom. Honestly it really helps at least for me. Allot of time frustration can be released through words and it feels so relieving to let it all go
try it sometime .

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