
october .

blog world , i am still here !

lets see college is adventurous to say the least & it's a eye opener i realize that all the values & lessons i was taught over the years are being tested and it's up to me and ONLY me to implement them, if i could seriously type everything i have been up to i'd be sitting here for days . . . the good part is i am happy with the school i'm at and the people i surround myself with. Well anyways i was just checking in but i'll be sure to come back really soon promise:-*

if you still read this shoutout to y'all & i promise i wont ever fully abandon this page it's more than a blog to me its my release in words...my open diary

stay up & stay blessed . love always, chelsea


changed the blog title

if you're wondering whats up with the roman numerals it stands for
17 is the age when my life changed, when I lost the most important woman in my life, when i graduated from highschool amongst mourning the loss of my mother, when i went to college & proved alot of people wrong, when i realized i have the best friends in the world, when i fully accepted the person i am, and when i set the goal of not only making my mark in the world but leaving my footprint behind with it . . .
& that's the analogy behind my blog name being changed
your truly,

on another note

since blogging is not as consistent you can always catch me on twitter @sincerley_chels

ello from texas.

still here , college just takes up so much of my time


in case you missed me heres one for the road . . .
"God saw the best in me when everyone else could only see the worst in me"

true story:-*


no weave .

wild childdd .



you dont wanna wake up to tht i think i'm late text

Fellas strap it up !!
i know we all "grown" but please i urge you SAFE SEX or NO SEX period . take it from me that regret of not using a condom that one time will drive you insaneeeee , i'm sure alot of us have futures & careers ahead of us and as much of a blessing kids are lets save them for a little later. And nothing against teen moms i know alotta y'all out here doin a damn good job but for me i'm just not ready to have a child . One time is really all it takes.
--beleeee dat !


what's in a smile ?

- a million little pieces of everything you've been through.
the hurt you feel when you love someone who loves someone else or the pain that is felt when you look into your mothers eyes & realize she has fought the fight of her life. the confusion of the word cancer ... the regret of not saying everything that you should have before it was to late. the realness of watching someone take their last breath. the tears when you feel like nobody can relate. the pleas to God to just get you through the day. the willingness to always keep your head up. the determination to make your mother proud while she watches down on you. & the part when you realize you're only 17. life has not yet begun ...

hope you didnt think i was gone


when i tell you that my life did a complete 360 on me believe it. If i went into detail about the in's & outs of what has happend you guys probally would wonder how is this girl still able to smile but i wont do that because ..well somethings are better left kept private. Anyways i sorta kinda have a million things to catch up on but if i did that this would be the longest post ever. So i'll leave it at this from today forward i will update you on whats been going on with me so except a new post almost everyday ..gadaa keep it fresh :) To everybody whose even still interested in reading i appreciate it . Anyways let my stories begin in 5,4,3,2,1

on the first hand i graduated from highschool on the second hand , come next week i'll be a PANTHER BABYY . cant wait for college to begin
as always,


nicki m. *-:

how can you not love her ?

i'm on some new shit i'm chuckin my deuces

hey there !

I have some explaining to do for neglecting my blog & not putting everything that I know I could into it these last few months. I have been so busy making the best out of high school & my life in general. Notice the title of this blog ? Other than it being the title to my favorite song it's also my new out look on allot of things. Shit, I'm chuckin my deuces to high school,drama,lame ass boys,bad friends, & come august to California. I've grown allot looking back at some of these posts & I could not be happier with how I've turned out as a young WOMAN. Here I am going to a 4 year university about to say goodbye to everything I know & enter the scariest place ever.... the unknown. I believe I'm ready though, these last 3 months God has put some major obstacles in my way just to see if I would give in but I didn't I held on tighter to my faith. Allot of people cant say they've experienced what I have during their senior year but here I am I'm still standing stronger than ever. I wrote all of this to say I'm back! No more abandoning my blog, it's my sanity really writing down all my feelings ...letting it go ...realising it all . Welp keep reading I'm sure I'll surprise ya (:

God Bless,



my prom ")

it was a night to remember, prom 2010 marks the ending of my highschool career so it was bittersweet but all in all i had a greatttt night & weekend

be blessed,



my life be like

senior picnic & champagne parties this isnt all the pictures but hey you catch my drift
btw; malon you looked so pretty ilu girl :)




senior breakfast

highschool will really be over soon :(




Loving me some drake

aren't you ?

hey mama

i wanna scream so loud for you cause i'm so proud of you let me show you what i'm about to do . . .
say hello to the strongest woman i know my mommy:) she's been going through the wire this last month but i have yet to see her break under the pressure, anyone else would have thrown the towel in my now but not her keep on fighting mom and leave the rest in Gods hands.
clearly i love this woman to pieces;
keeping the faith


not complaining just saying . . .

i regret .
-losing good friends
-putting myself last
-tossing the word love around
-bad habits
-not giving good guys a chance
-having a big ego
see . i can admit what i regret but hey, big girls don't cry :)


truth is ?

my smile represents alot of things . & it isnt just happines
how about yours ?



damn skippy

it's may

& that means i graduate next month .. whew how time flies there is so much i'd like to write but i'm going to save that for the day after i walk that good ol stage & keep checking in senior activities start soon and pictures will most def. be posted & if you're wondering why i have been blogging some much without pictures, my EFFING camera was stolen tisk tisk


my state of the union

  • Nicki Minaj
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Prom
  • College


  • Rihanna
  • Bitches
  • Drama
  • Red Lipstick
  • Twitter

love love,


my theme song

can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars,
i could really use a wish right now :-*


it's in Gods hands

is something people just do not have.
i lost all respect for someone today, & as much as i want to wish them nothing but bad days and worse nights .. i wont because i am bigger than that i'll leave they're karama to be worked out with God.



some food for thought :

“Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we knew it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves... for growing up.”


as always, life these days

Well for one my camera's still in the shop i miss it so much i had NO photos on spring break. Speaking of such it was "okay" like always i had allot of epiphanys and realized allot of things. I think that silence sometimes can be the scariest thing because you're faced with your own demons. Believe me. One thing i can say that i took from spring break is i got Chelsea together i re-analyzed the person who i am destined to be and from the person who i was becoming sadly those 2 people were on extremely different paths in life. The person i am destined to be is focused on the bigger picture. will take risks in order to achieve her dream.put God first. appreciate my blessings.love my short-comings. and most of all love myself. and believe me the road i was on was just all bad i don't think i ever lost sight of my goals but i was making it HARD on myself to be able to reach them because of MY own dumb decisions.
So here I am.
somewhat brand-new, yet i'm still the same
God willing imma make it.


tonight i'm crying

I never show my emotions because I think its a sign of weakness but tonight I'll allow these tears to fall I have made a fool out of myself, taken my anger out on people who I care about, lost the one person who made me smile, and blamed just about everyone for my actions. I feel so alone & I'm surrounded by so many people. I don't know anymore , guess I'm feeling some kind of way. Maybe I need to take some time away from everything and get to know who Chelsea is because if I keep down this road my memories will be replaced w. moments. So tonight I'm crying



senior panorama picture day

all the seniors wore whitee
looked like some goons :)
i love me senior classs , we're the BEST