
no weave .

wild childdd .



you dont wanna wake up to tht i think i'm late text

Fellas strap it up !!
i know we all "grown" but please i urge you SAFE SEX or NO SEX period . take it from me that regret of not using a condom that one time will drive you insaneeeee , i'm sure alot of us have futures & careers ahead of us and as much of a blessing kids are lets save them for a little later. And nothing against teen moms i know alotta y'all out here doin a damn good job but for me i'm just not ready to have a child . One time is really all it takes.
--beleeee dat !


what's in a smile ?

- a million little pieces of everything you've been through.
the hurt you feel when you love someone who loves someone else or the pain that is felt when you look into your mothers eyes & realize she has fought the fight of her life. the confusion of the word cancer ... the regret of not saying everything that you should have before it was to late. the realness of watching someone take their last breath. the tears when you feel like nobody can relate. the pleas to God to just get you through the day. the willingness to always keep your head up. the determination to make your mother proud while she watches down on you. & the part when you realize you're only 17. life has not yet begun ...

hope you didnt think i was gone


when i tell you that my life did a complete 360 on me believe it. If i went into detail about the in's & outs of what has happend you guys probally would wonder how is this girl still able to smile but i wont do that because ..well somethings are better left kept private. Anyways i sorta kinda have a million things to catch up on but if i did that this would be the longest post ever. So i'll leave it at this from today forward i will update you on whats been going on with me so except a new post almost everyday ..gadaa keep it fresh :) To everybody whose even still interested in reading i appreciate it . Anyways let my stories begin in 5,4,3,2,1

on the first hand i graduated from highschool on the second hand , come next week i'll be a PANTHER BABYY . cant wait for college to begin
as always,