
birthday gift

my daddy bought me a new camera its the one i picked out too :)
I'll post pictures once i get my memory card this week players
well i don't have much else to say but check this :
" love is a mind state that we are all trying to escape. don't get caught dreaming, that's when your most vulnerable"
love always,


on the verge of tears

and i never cry ,
my mom wont listen to me she ignores me, acts like I'm not even here
she is failing to realize that every time she does this she is slowly losing me
i feel like the only person i got, that i can depend on is myself
my life gets more pathetic by the day, i live on pens & needles
ready for something good to happen . or just need some better days, i cant keep up this "act" much longer .


staying positive

I've applied and i am still applying to some colleges so far & as much as I'm anticipating the letters to come back stating my fate, I'm keeping the positive vibes coming
of course i have to look at reality ;
will not get into all the schools i apply to nor may i get into my dream school, but hey i figure college is college and i'll be happy where ever i go I'm staying hopeful because i know that God has a way for me & no matter how much grief people give me saying that i am not college material or I'll never make it ima keep a smile on my face because success will be the best revenge
so to the people that wanna see me make it, pray for me and what i am trying to do yes i fucked up alot in high school and i got my act together a little late but I'm not going to limit myself to anything, exploring every option to get to my dreams

weekend with shanell ;-*

so much funn i love you nell ..




life isnt a lie ..

just a journey for the truth


Gavins Song- Marc Broussard

it gets rough out here, but i aint gone quit because God didnt give me these wings to just sit back and wish :-*
always & forever,


everybody sayin fuck me

but see the problem is, they tellin everybody but me .

today was my 17th birthday and as much as i didn't want for it to come it did & my friends made sure to not let me forget it. I felt so so so so loved today, & no amount of anything can replace that feeling i wouldn't trade my friends for anyone straight up, from all the aims,text messages, aways, phone calls, post it's & posters on my car( yes they did that) & all the FB hit ups and the simple happy birthday's i got my day was pretty much made. I couldn't have asked for much more,

so a special shout out goes out to theseee .
love yall mann & thanks for everything:-*
pictures from my bday will be up later.


you must go see this movie

please please go see this.
i kid you not this movie will change your life. I can only speak for myself but after I saw Precious I felt appreciative of the life that i live but it also made my heart go out to people in this situation. It opened my eyes to things I'd rather not see but like my blog title says this is not a fairytale its LIFE. And sadly its someones everyday, no one should ever have to go though a situation like that but I know somebody is and I cant fathom how they feel but I will say this.
Keep your head up to the sky, nobody can take that away from you. God works in mysterious ways & sometimes you go through the worst situations to get the biggest blessing,
It's funny how one movie can change your whole outlook, kudos to the cast and everyone evolved in this movie it was pure greatness .

young world

hello bloggers :)

well i haven't posted in awhile, actually if you track my progress I'm slacking allot but hey i blog when i have the time to . other things must come first sometimes, so as you may or may not know my 17th birthday is tomorrow November 18th

err , I'm not to excited i think it's because I've had 16 birthdays prior to this one & my hype has kinda faded or maybe it is because i know not to expect certain things as far as presents and money or cards go from my parents. Its just another day to me. so to everyone who wonders why maybe you should read this & stop calling me weak lol. I'll go out to dinner with my friends on Saturday so maybe I'll be happier then i don't know ...

so there it is



homecoming 2009

my last homecoming, i'll be attending in highschool .

senior year baby

ps* i would have had alot more but daniel broke my camera -_-

( its all good though i needed an upgrade anyways)




worse come to worse

MY people come first .

peaCe ,

chelsea babby !


if heaven was a mile away ...

would you pack up your bags and leave this earth , ?
sometimes i think i'd like to. but it's these people & alot more and the memories we share that make me rethink that :)


broke my sushi cherry

get it ?
i tried sushi today & i liked everything but the cold stickyness, i guess it's something you have to get use to,

funny :)


how's this

Dear World ,
Living in your turf is finding itself to be difficult. No one said it would be easy they just promised it would be worth it. I'm not going to let you get the best of though believe that, all these obstacles youre throwing my way keep em coming because I wont stop beating them. I am going for what I deserve in this life and I will be kicking and screaming until I get it. Allot of people are throwing in the towel on you world, saying fuck you and all that jazz. I'm not and I thought you'd like to know. YOU will not get the best of me, yes you've came rather close I didn't give in. Hmm I'll never give you that satisfaction.
- signed ,
somebody with dreams.
I know this sound odd, like wtf is chelsea talking about writing a letter to the world? Welcome to the mind of M-E . I classify the world as everyone all those people who give out those negative vibes, the haters, the people that wont be happy until you've reached bottom. Honestly it really helps at least for me. Allot of time frustration can be released through words and it feels so relieving to let it all go
try it sometime .


Doesnt mean anything

i am the only one who absoulety loves her new song, & the fact that this means a new cd is in the making :)
oh yea , my birthdays NOVEMBER 18th get excitedddddd !
as always,

empire state of mind video