

I played with my hair a little,I actually love it well in the picture it kind of looks a little more extreme than it is but hey the hairstyle works for me =)
wore my high-top chucks today I looked like a greaser:) The grass looks so beautiful to me
my lovely sunflower that I found it caught my eye as corny as it sounds i love the way the rugged background looks but then the brightness makes it just POP !
--In other news:
*i want dreds,but they wont look right on me(I'll stick to short hair) so I want a guy who has dreds
*next I think I'll be getting my vintage chanell bag this weekend GO FIGURE !!
*Last but not least once i get my car & professional camera i plan on making my book of La with really cool/akward pictures and it will be selling at American Appearl(hey a girl can have DREAMS) so be on the look out for it .

1 comment:

nived reklaw said...

i love the hair that day

hey and i said you look like a greaser first=]

and the car is totally cool and the sunflower picture is going on my page srry i had to steal it