
happy thanksgiving,

2008 hasnt been my favorite year so much shit has happend but through it all i've learned to humble myself and be thankful for each and everything I have and just be thankful for life itself because in a blink it can be gone ..Seeing how another half lives and that everyone dosent have the simple things that we so frequently take for granted like a mother and father,a roof over our heads,shoes,clothes we always forget about the things like this because we seem to be more focused on material things,no lie sometimes I have to catch myself because I complain about stuff like not being able to get a marc jacobs bag or 158 dollar boots when others would be happy to have a plate of food... All I'm saying is that as im growing up i see whats genuially important and I thank God for everything he's blessed me with & seriously we should all do the same,
so with that being said happy thanksgiving to ALL .
God Bless.

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