
sometimes i wonder.

what my life would be without problems or setbacks, i guess im just tired of dealing with it i feel like as much as i try nobody's ever satisfied, but who am i to satisfy them ? Who am i to please or make anyone else happy ? Im so over bending over backwards..yet getting nothing not even a thank you in return . Yes, i tend to have a nonchalent attitude wonder why ? because if i depend on people i tend to get let down so i depend on ME and not care about much else...
enough of the mellow dramatic person did anyone see greys anatomy i swear i look forward to thrusday because of that show (; this season premiere was another grand episode Lord it's so touching and heart felt, poor Lady lost her memory,a man lost his voice,limo driver died sheesh . i know its a show but i feel like its so real,hmm i guess thats why the actors in the show get paid the most for a tv drama ... Go Greys two thumbs way UP !

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