Must we always act like the sterotype? We as in [US] black people its always bothered me but I just watched the first episode of bad girls club and of course the black girl from compton had to make her presence not just seen but heard. Its like she was wearing a big ass sign on her head that said "Hi im from compton and yes being from there I'm not only ghetto & loud but I show no self control,yes I do fit the sterotype that most black women have". SMH SMH shaking my fucking head ! I live in the hood,well MY hood anyways but you'll never know unless I tell you for the simple fact that I carry myself in a way that black people dont like, Oh shes uppidty,look at the little white girl,she thinks shes better than everyone but in reality I'm just someone who refuses to be just another TYPICAL african american teen. Dont get me wrong here I love my people and all but it's been LONG overdue that we change.If anything we should be striving for something better and carry ourselves in a way that represents that.I for one just think it's a damn shame that in the hour I saw of that show A BLACK girl poured a drink on 2 people,got kicked out of 2 clubs & a restaurant. Why must it be [US] all the fucking time.Of course this makes great tv but it also makes white america say "they'll never change." So bottom line all I'm saying is lets have some class,nows a better time than any
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