in other news
I'm highly aware that today is new years eve (tonight im ON) and I've been thinking since last night what's my resolution think think think . Then I thought harder and I've come to the conclusion that i just dont have one ..no im not perfect and I do believe that some things should be worked on but to me a resolution is some bullshit ass way of making promises to yourself that you dont keep anyways. Everyones all in 09 means a new me ..problems of 08 stay there blah blah blah hello odds are you still will be the same bitch.same hoe.same person as you were haha . but hey some people really do change and hats off to ya ! Now lets see 08 by far wasnt my favorite year by any means : Lost everything that really mattered , got it back, mom got sick , cousin was in icu almost died , breon passes at only 15 . Man man man , but theres a blessing in every lesson so I've grown . learned . matured and became a person who I'm genuially happy with . So if 2009 is anything like 08 im in real big trouble ... but i doubt that . If i dont post until after new years may all you Loves be blessed & have a great new year (get all kinds of messed up) and be safe
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