I was watching Tyra last week and the episode was definitely a controversial one .. is gay the new black ? The episode had me realize a shit load of things about the ignorant and closed minded person i unknowingly was. For so long I not only thought but believed being gay was a choice and somehow you could UN-gay yourself if you wanted to , but then this man said " do you think I want to be ridiculed ostracized and humiliated everyday , who wants that if I could take the easy way out and be straight and not have to put up with the whispers and stares everyday I would , but I cant simply because this is who I am ." And with that ONE statement I opened my eyes and understood exactly where he was coming from . I would also justify my unwillingness to accept the gay/lesbian lifestyle with the bible , but how big of a hypocrite does that make me ? Because I damn sure have committed some sins and my life isn't by the bible one bit. Please don't get me wrong I've never been a gay basher or hater , I've always believed to each is own but I didn't understand why someone would choose to be that way . Now that I see how it's not choice I'm finally content with the issue , and all the narrow minded thoughts are out the window ... sounds cliche and corny but I've opened up a new leaf :) I'm not God and I cant tell someone how to live there life the "right way" because I got some skeletons in my closet. I apologize for my small minded judgements I once had that chapter is in the trash , a clean sheet is open ... (* please realize this was not the easiest post to make cause I kinda had to come clean about how I felt , so nonetheless it's posted .. )I got right with myself , who's next ?
always love,
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