This is that poem toward's the end of atl & it's one of favorites so i though I'd share it
Pleasure turns to pain
Of the lessons learned from strain
Of the questionsburned in my brain
About whether love is humane in its touch
These thoughts are like salmons swimming
Upstreamin the tears of your deceit
Fighting the currnet hurt that kills
more than is created by the chaos of our interwined emotions
Chaotic because the anchor of Eros' arrow has been plucked
From the vessel of my undying infatuation
Separation not as simple as the distance between us
My mind no longer possessed by the demons that had been
The overseers of my enslavement to your lies
The seeds of these lies rooted so deeply they've
cracked the foundation of what we once shared
Allowing the faith in us i had sealed to gush out
Like a river ripping the image of our future together
From my thoughts as violently and as brutally as if
It were a child being taken from his its mother
I'm left surrounded in darkness but i refuse to be swallowedby it.
My lonliness like the night air
Invisible to the eye
Obvious to the touch
In its cold uncomfortableness
Yet if I could do it all over again
I'd do it in the same skin I'm in
To lay down and let love die
Just stay down and let love lie
No no not I
I'll stay around and let love fly
Even though I've seen its darkest for Deceit
Nothin else could taste this warm or feel this sweet.
Of the lessons learned from strain
Of the questionsburned in my brain
About whether love is humane in its touch
These thoughts are like salmons swimming
Upstreamin the tears of your deceit
Fighting the currnet hurt that kills
more than is created by the chaos of our interwined emotions
Chaotic because the anchor of Eros' arrow has been plucked
From the vessel of my undying infatuation
Separation not as simple as the distance between us
My mind no longer possessed by the demons that had been
The overseers of my enslavement to your lies
The seeds of these lies rooted so deeply they've
cracked the foundation of what we once shared
Allowing the faith in us i had sealed to gush out
Like a river ripping the image of our future together
From my thoughts as violently and as brutally as if
It were a child being taken from his its mother
I'm left surrounded in darkness but i refuse to be swallowedby it.
My lonliness like the night air
Invisible to the eye
Obvious to the touch
In its cold uncomfortableness
Yet if I could do it all over again
I'd do it in the same skin I'm in
To lay down and let love die
Just stay down and let love lie
No no not I
I'll stay around and let love fly
Even though I've seen its darkest for Deceit
Nothin else could taste this warm or feel this sweet.

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