ive been mia for awhile and i thought the least I could do was update you on my Life (;
got a tattoo

guess the pix arent quite in sequence Lol & dont mind the shiny stuff on my tummy just the tattoo lotion stuff

everyone finds the need to ask the same dumb question "believe,believe in what" my answer just believe that you can do anything & just about everything that you set your mind to nd another question "did it hurt" no . lol, and the last question "why'd you get it there" my answer why not, does it matter ? you want one huh ? by then im a little mad Lol =)
i went out and broke up all in 24 hours w/ someone who i had no business with anyways no names shall be needed but i summed it up pretty much like this :
i finally learned that loving someone and being in love w/ someone are two WAY different things sometimes you just gada do it,even if people get a little hurt in the process, gadaa take MY feelings into consideration first & listen to MY heart ..and thats just the way it goess buht i still Love yu none the Lesss tip to everyone a guy bestfriend isnt a boyfriend lets not get thosee feelings mixed up which is just want a did .!
and another thing
homecoming's rapidly approaching YES, got my ticket ...!
and thats all she wrote....
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