when i tell you that my life did a complete 360 on me believe it. If i went into detail about the in's & outs of what has happend you guys probally would wonder how is this girl still able to smile but i wont do that because ..well somethings are better left kept private. Anyways i sorta kinda have a million things to catch up on but if i did that this would be the longest post ever. So i'll leave it at this from today forward i will update you on whats been going on with me so except a new post almost everyday ..gadaa keep it fresh :) To everybody whose even still interested in reading i appreciate it . Anyways let my stories begin in 5,4,3,2,1
on the first hand i graduated from highschool
on the second hand , come next week i'll be a PANTHER BABYY . cant wait for college to begin
as always,