hey there ! I have some explaining to do for neglecting my blog & not putting everything that I know I could into it these last few months. I have been so busy making the best out of high school & my life in general. Notice the title of this blog ? Other than it being the title to my favorite song it's also my new out look on allot of things. Shit, I'm chuckin my deuces to high school,drama,lame ass boys,bad friends, & come august to California. I've grown allot looking back at some of these posts & I could not be happier with how I've turned out as a young WOMAN. Here I am going to a 4 year university about to say goodbye to everything I know & enter the scariest place ever.... the unknown. I believe I'm ready though, these last 3 months God has put some major obstacles in my way just to see if I would give in but I didn't I held on tighter to my faith. Allot of people cant say they've experienced what I have during their senior year but here I am I'm still standing stronger than ever. I wrote all of this to say I'm back! No more abandoning my blog, it's my sanity really writing down all my feelings ...letting it go ...realising it all . Welp keep reading I'm sure I'll surprise ya (:
God Bless,