not excited , how can i be ?
we have no christmas tree
no presents
no lights
no decor
no anything
It's weird this is the only Christmas that I'm not expecting anything , you know how sometimes you just know your parents will surprise you with something ? Well not me, I just cant believe that it's next week & we have absolutely nothing (not even spirit) to celebrate that. I'm actually not sad it's just really weird this year mann ..for my birthday my mom got me a card that she already had in her room that she found somewhere. My friends did allot for me but when it just seems like your own mother doesn't take it into much consideration it hurts ya know? And now Christmas is about to be here and i just want to fast forward through it and all those emotions because i know they will come back. Don't get me wrong my dad will give me a nice amount of money to spend on whatever i want, and that's fine with me because he has done so much for me, for example buying me a car & a expensive camera, etc .. so i am grateful for that but my mom is a whole different story our lifestyle has drastically changed and it's taking some getting use to, I understand that things cant go back to the way they were when trips to Bloomingdale's and getting a new mac lip gloss every week was my life. I get that, God knows I do, guess things are just taking its toll
well that was my 5 minutes of feeling sorry for myself :(
always & always,